Category: Diet

Beetroot juice and blood pressure

Beetroot juice and blood pressure

The ajd and vulva are important but often misunderstood parts of bloood human body. It is possible that Appetite control supplements Immune system function enhancement beneficial effect Appetite control supplements occur if the BJ was consumed on a daily basis. The new research tested a week course of a concentrated beetroot juice supplement that is high in nitrate against a beetroot juice placebo that looked and tasted the same but had the nitrate removed. Medical News Today.

Beetroot juice and blood pressure -

In the remaining 13 men the 6-h difference between PL and BJ of 4. It has been postulated that the inclusion of dietary nitrates in the form of beetroot-derived foods may be useful in the regulation of normal BP due their high inorganic NO 3 - content. Dietary restrictions in studies with beetroot juice and BP remove confounding dietary factors that may have an effect negative or positive on BP, thus making interpretation of study results more straightforward.

The drawback, however, is that beetroot juice as a nutritional intervention to regulate BP would likely be consumed as part of a normal diet, not as part of a low nitrate diet or in the absence of other dietary components e.

coffee, alcohol, black tea that may affect BP [ 21 — 23 ]. It was therefore uncertain whether there is any clinically relevant benefit from beetroot juice supplementation on BP in the unregulated home environment. Unsurprisingly, there was a large degree of variation in the BP readings for a given individual both across the two measurement days and throughout each day.

This may have been a result of the free-living nature of the study. Whilst there was no significant difference in baseline SBP or DBP between men and women, the trend of BJ lowering BP was stronger in men than in women and a planned separate analysis in men showed that BJ lowered SBP by 4—5 mmHg at 6-h after ingestion.

It is uncertain whether these differences between the sexes was a result of gender per se , or whether the older age of the women The crossover design of the study should have eliminated any individual variation in blood pressure due to any medication taken daily on the two 24 h periods that BP was measured.

However, the possibility of the effect of medication or diet e. sodium intake on the outcomes of the trial cannot be discounted and ideally the experiment should be repeated in non-medicated individuals and the dietary intake recorded. Two of the studies in the literature investigating beetroot juice and BP that used both men and women did not report results by gender [ 8 , 20 ].

It is difficult to ascertain if there is in fact a gender-specific response to dietary nitrates. The drop of 4—5 mmHg observed in the study reported here at 6-h after consumption in men is smaller and with a later peak drop in BP than in other controlled studies with beetroot juice.

In an open-label and unblinded study, Webb et al. In that study, volunteers were measured seated in clinic and asked to refrain from caffeine-containing drinks or foods with a high nitrate content green leafy vegetables, beetroot for h prior to the study and were fasting on the morning of the study.

More recently, Hobbs and workers [ 18 ] conducted a single-blind, randomized, controlled, crossover study and observed an almost dose-dependent drop of Subjects were also instructed not to take any dietary supplements, vitamins or minerals for 1-wk prior to the study or during the intervention period.

The highly controlled nature of this study may have been responsible for the particularly large decreases in BP observed. Two other studies have also reported a reduction in BP from beetroot juice, but the number of study participants was small.

In an open-label study in 9 volunteers gender not stated Kapil et al. tested ml beetroot juice 5. A peak reduction in SBP of 5. Both plasma NO 3 - and NO 2 - were elevated for 3-h following beetroot juice ingestion. In another study, Vanhatalo et al.

In the present study, a single dose of BJ was administered and the effect measured over the next h. It is possible that a cumulative beneficial effect may occur if the BJ was consumed on a daily basis.

Further studies are needed to confirm if this is the case and to determine what the optimal daily dose should be in free-living adults. It is plausible that the apple juice may have had some contrary effect on BP, thus partially negating or cancelling the effect of the beetroot on lowering BP.

While the literature actually supports a BP lowering effect of quercetin found in large amounts in apples [ 24 ], the experiment could be repeated using pure beetroot juice to eliminate any possible effect of other components present in the BJ.

As a higher baseline BP has been correlated with a larger reduction in BP following BJ ingestion [ 19 ] it is possible that hypertensive patients could benefit more from beetroot juice consumption than the group of subjects studied here.

The results presented here are therefore more generalizable to the population as a whole in Western countries, especially given the free-living nature of the study. Using an even larger group of volunteers, with different characteristics e.

Although it was not undertaken in the present study, it would also be preferable to measure plasma NO 3 levels before and after consumption of the BJ and PL in order to establish a causative relationship between the NO 3 present in beetroot and the effect on plasma NO 3 levels leading to a reduction in BP.

This would assist in eliminating other possible causes of the effect seen, such as the diuretic property of beetroot. In conclusion, it was demonstrated here that in free-living people consuming an unrestricted diet and a single dose of g of beetroot and apple juice, a trend to lower blood pressure by 4—5 mmHg at 6-h was observed significant only in men after adjustment for baseline variation.

Additional studies with beetroot and apple juice in larger groups of free-living men and women are needed to fully assess the efficacy such a dietary intervention at a public health level in the treatment of cardiovascular disease and to determine the exact mechanism of action.

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Staessen JA, Wang JG, Thijs L: Cardiovascular protection and blood pressure reduction: a meta-analysis. Download references. The Sunraysia Natural Beverage Company Melbourne, VIC funded this project and supplied the juice and placebo juice used. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar.

Correspondence to Leah T Coles. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. The Sunraysia Natural Beverage Company Melbourne, VIC funded this study but was not involved in its design or the collection, analysis or interpretation of data.

PC designed the study, analysed the data and had primary responsibility for final content. LC conducted the study and drafted the report.

Both authors read and approved the final manuscript. This article is published under license to BioMed Central Ltd. Reprints and permissions. Coles, L.

Effect of beetroot juice on lowering blood pressure in free-living, disease-free adults: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Nutr J 11 , Download citation. Received : 29 June Accepted : 07 December Published : 11 December Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:.

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In autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease ADPKD impaired nitric oxide NO synthesis, in part, contributes to early-onset hypertension. Beetroot juice BRJ reduces blood pressure BP by increasing NO-mediated vasodilation.

The aim of this double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled study is to test the hypothesis that BRJ reduces systolic and diastolic clinic BP in hypertensive adults with ADPKD.

The co-primary outcomes are change in mean systolic and diastolic clinic BP before and after 4 weeks of treatment with daily BRJ. The effect of BRJ in ADPKD has not been previously tested. BRJ is an accessible, natural dietary supplement that, if effective, will provide a novel adjunctive approach for treating hypertension in ADPKD.

Peer Review reports. This table and the following study protocol contain all administrative information as required by the SPIRIT reporting guidelines and World Health Organization Trial Registration Data Set for clinical trial registration [ 1 ]. Double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled study to determine the effect of beetroot juice on reducing blood pressure in hypertensive adults with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease.

This study was funded by a grant from PKD Australia to GR. PS was supported by an ICPMR Jerry Koutts Scholarship. The funding bodies have no role in the study design, execution, analyses, interpretation of the data, or decision to submit results.

Beatrice Nguyen, Michael Stern Laboratory for Polycystic Kidney Disease, WIMR, USyd, Australia. The study sponsor has oversight of human ethics research committee and trial governance but no role in the design, execution, analyses, interpretation of the data or the decision to submit results.

Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease ADPKD is the most common monogenic cause of kidney failure in adults and is due to pathogenic variants in either PKD1 or PKD2 [ 2 ]. Hypertension occurs in the third decade of life and is a crucial treatable risk factor to prevent cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in ADPKD [ 3 , 4 , 5 ].

Multiple pathological mechanisms drive hypertension in ADPKD; primarily renin—angiotensin—aldosterone system RAAS activation, endothelial dysfunction and sympathetic nervous system overactivity [ 3 , 6 ]. Nitric oxide NO is a key mediator of vasodilation and can be produced by vascular endothelial cells via the conversion to L-arginine to L-citrulline by nitric oxide synthase NOS [ 6 , 7 ].

Previous studies demonstrate that the functional loss of polycystin-1 protein encoded by PKD1 leads to impaired intracellular calcium-mediated signalling within the endothelial-NOS pathway [ 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 ].

BRJ increases serum NO metabolites, promotes vasodilation and reduces BP [ 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 ]. The anti-hypertensive effect of BRJ is attributed to the direct conversion of dietary nitrate to NO by nitrous-converting bacteria in the oral mucosa the entero-salivary nitrate-nitrite-NO pathway [ 17 ].

Several randomised controlled trials testing the effect of beetroot juice showed a 7—mmHg decrease in systolic BP in individuals with hypertension, stage 3 chronic kidney disease CKD , obesity and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction [ 16 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 ]. In context, the dietary approach to stop hypertension DASH study showed an average reduction in systolic BP of 5.

There are no expected or reported drug interactions with BRJ [ 16 , 27 , 28 , 29 ]. Given the high burden of CVD in ADPKD patients, there is a need for safe, accessible therapies that can reduce their long-term risks [ 30 ]. BRJ may be well-suited to fulfil this need, particularly given the underlying reduction of endogenous endothelial NOS activity and NO metabolites [ 9 , 31 , 32 ].

To our knowledge, there have been no current or previous studies investigating the anti-hypertensive effects of BRJ in ADPKD. The secondary aims are to test the effect of BRJ on home BP readings, serum and salivary NO metabolites, serum ADMA, and urinary albumin to creatinine ratio over 4 weeks.

BEET-PKD is a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, superiority trial with allocation of 60 participants with ADPKD and hypertension.

The secondary objectives are to evaluate the effect of BRJ on daily home BP readings, nitrate metabolite levels, serum ADMA levels, and urinary albumin to creatinine ratio and monitor the safety of BRJ.

The study sites will be Westmead Hospital and Westmead Institute for Medical Research, Sydney, NSW, Australia. The exclusion criteria Table 1 are based on comorbidities that could potentially confound study outcomes [ 33 , 34 , 35 ].

Participants with severe uncontrolled hypercholesterolemia and current cigarette smoking will be excluded as these states result in direct endothelial injury and suppression of nitric oxide production which will likely interfere with the action of BRJ [ 12 , 37 ]. At Visit 1 participants will be screened for eligibility and instructed on correct technique for BP measurement.

Pre-intervention clinic BP will be measured using a standardised protocol Additional file 1 , and blood, urine and saliva samples collected.

A 1-week run-in period will be used to determine baseline home BP and adherence to daily measurements. Visit 2 will occur via telehealth to reduce participant burden. Over the 4-week period, participants will continue to check their BP daily and report results and any side effects by responding to the daily reminder text messages.

After 4 weeks, at visit 3, participants will return for post-intervention standardised clinic BP measurement and blood, urine and saliva sample collection. Eleven of 18 studies also used nitrate-deplete BRJ from this provider [ 25 ].

To maintain reproducibility, the current study has used the same provider. Participants will self-administer the intervention at the same time each morning within an hour of waking and prior to BP measurement.

The placebo BRJ with only nitrate content removed was selected to exclude confounding from other vasoactive components found in BRJ such as vitamin C, magnesium, polyphenols, betaine, and flavonoids that may contribute to an antihypertensive effect [ 17 , 38 ].

The authors reported that the lack of effect in the latter studies may be due to the relative short duration of intervention, interference of multiple pharmacological antihypertensives, low nitrate diet or chronic endothelial damage resulting in lack of vascular responsiveness to NO.

To improve adherence and ensure the timing of BRJ consumption and BP readings are consistent, participants will receive a scheduled daily text message through a secure web-based messaging platform MessageMedia, Victoria, Australia as previously described [ 41 ].

During the screening period, the message will ask participants to measure their BP and reply with their readings in the order they took the measurements. In the intervention period, the message will remind participants to take their BRJ, measure their BP and reply with the readings in the order they were measured.

Adherence to the study procedures will be verified in real-time by replies to text messages. Participants will be advised to continue their usual medications, diet, physical activity, and other lifestyle factors as directed by their treating nephrologist.

Participants must be on stable anti-hypertensive medications for 28 days prior to commencing the trial. The co-primary endpoints will be mean change in clinic systolic and diastolic BP from baseline to after 4 weeks of daily BRJ.

This endpoint is similar to other trials of BRJ in hypertensive patients [ 16 , 40 ]. The secondary endpoints are mean changes in daily home blood pressures during the screening period and the 4-week intervention, and change in mean serum and salivary NO metabolites, mean serum ADMA levels, and mean urinary albumin to creatinine ratio from baseline to end of 4 weeks of daily BRJ.

As with the clinic BP, home BP will be measured three times and an average of the second and third reading used for data analysis. Serum samples to measure NO metabolites and ADMA levels, and saliva samples to measure NO metabolites will be collected at visit 1 and the final visit visit 3 on the last day of the intervention.

Urine samples for urinary albumin to creatinine ratio will be collected at visit 1 or if participants have recently completed a measurement at an accredited lab in the 6 months prior to the visit, this measurement may be used and at visit 3 on the last day of the intervention.

See Additional file 4 for details on the collection, storage and methods of measurement of biological samples. The average baseline BP of the two groups were mmHg and mmHg, with standard deviations of the two populations being 10 and We expected to have a similar hypertensive population and a test for differences in two independent means was implemented in Stata SE Version A to calculate sample size.

Participants will be referred from the Western Renal Service which provides a catchment of 1. Participants will be recruited from the Western Renal Service Westmead, Blacktown and Nepean hospitals which services a catchment area of 1.

If required, other local centres such as Concord, Royal North Shore and Liverpool Hospitals. Multiple strategies will be used to facilitate recruitment. Potential participants will also be identified from treating nephrologists, either through direct referral to the study team or review of clinic letters and local databases.

Study staff study doctors or senior researchers will obtain written informed consent from all participants prior to commencing the trial. All participants will receive the consent form and information about the trial prior to visit 1 and are able to contact the study team with questions.

During visit 1, study staff will go through the information and consent forms and have an informed discussion with each participant. Specifically, participants will be informed of the expected adverse effects of beeturia and beet-coloured faeces [ 17 ].

Participants will also be informed of the potential for gastrointestinal side effects and asked to report any symptoms to the trial team immediately. Participants will be randomised using a simple randomisation program created by the study biostatistician, which uses a random number generator version 3.

This program creates a list that allocates treatment or placebo to 60 unique randomisation IDs and will be generated by the study biostatistician.

No stratification factors or blocking will be used. When a participant is randomised, they will be assigned a randomisation ID. Prior to commencement of the trial, a research staff member who is not involved with any other study procedures will receive the randomisation IDs and label the relevant BRJ with the study ID as allocated by the list.

The study team will provide the participant with their labelled BRJ at Visit 1. The remaining members of the study team and the participants will remain blinded to the treatment allocation until data lock and statistical analysis have been completed.

The co-primary endpoints are the change in the mean of second and third systolic and diastolic BP measurements taken at Visit 1 pre-intervention and at Visit 3 at the end of week 4 of the intervention. Initially, the sample mean and standard deviation will be reported at baseline and follow-up.

Moreover, their mean difference and standard deviation will be reported. Secondly, the main analysis will be conducted using a Gaussian linear mixed effects LME model with a first-order autoregressive correlation structure AR 1. The repeated measures are the BP results at Visit 1 and Visit 3.

An interaction parameter between the visit and arm of the study will be the determinant of a significant difference in BP change between the two arms.

The sensitivity analysis will only be adjusted for age and eGFR. Should any variables differ significantly between the two arms, they too will be adjusted for to eliminate the possibility of a confounding effect.

No subgroup analyses will be undertaken. All data analysis will be completed in R version 3. Means standard deviations and counts column percentages as well as relevant p-values will be reported.

Hypotheses will be conducted with a two-sided alternative and p-values less than 0. The secondary endpoint of home BP readings is a set of at most 28 daily systolic and diastolic BP measurements averaged from daily home readings.

Again, a Gaussian LME model with an AR 1 correlation structure will be utilised. The repeated measures are the BP results at each available home reading. An interaction parameter between the day and arm of the study will be the determinant of a significant difference in the BP change between the two arms.

The secondary endpoints of change in serum and salivary NO metabolites, serum ADMA and albumin to creatinine ratio will have their differences summarised with sample means, standard deviations, sample mean differences, and sample standard deviations of differences.

They too will undergo assessment with a Gaussian LME model as above. Missing values will not be imputed. An advantage of LME models is that they can automatically tolerate missing values by adjusting the respective covariance estimates.

Moreover, missing data for the primary outcome is expected to be minimal as this BP data will be collected at the study visits by the investigators. All participants will receive a unique study ID for data collection and analysis. Visit forms, screening pathology, home BP readings, protocol deviations and adverse outcome reports will be de-identified with the participant study ID and stored on a database on the same secure server.

Any identifying information will be stored separately and securely with controlled access. BRJ is a food supplement that is readily available for consumption from commercial food outlets. Reported side effects are non-harmful pigmentation of faeces and urine beeturia [ 17 ].

Previous clinical trials have not reported any serious adverse effects SAEs and thus they are anticipated to be rare in this trial and no interim analyses will be undertaken [ 17 , 25 ]. Due to the nature of the intervention and the size of the trial, the data monitoring will be undertaken by the trial investigators who have no competing interests to declare and there are no interim analyses or audits planned.

All data will be stored securely in the Western Sydney Local Health District and will be available for audit as requested by the Human Research Ethics Committee.

The funding body has no role in the data monitoring. The trial staff will monitor for adverse effects or other trial issues at each study visit systematically by asking participants if they have experienced any symptoms, and these will be reviewed in at least fortnightly meetings between the principal investigator PI and trial staff.

All SAEs will be reported immediately to the PI and the WSLHD HREC, investigated in detail and documented in accordance with the ICH-GCP guidelines. In the setting where the intervention is changed, it is reported as a protocol deviation.

The decision to terminate the trial will be taken by the PI and WSLHD HREC and will be based on the review of SAEs. Any reported adverse events related or not related to the intervention will be reported in the publication of trial results. As all participants currently receive specialist care within public hospitals and given the nature of BRJ, with its limited and mild side effect profile reported in previous clinical trials beet-coloured pigmentation of urine and faeces , the investigators do not anticipate a need for additional special provisions for post-trial care [ 17 ].

Ethics approval for this study was obtained in May A submission to the clinical trials registry ClinicalTrials. gov was uploaded on 5th April , pre-dating the recruitment of the first participant on 5th May , but was not finalised pending HREC approval of a minor amendment.

The trial registration was finalised on 27th May registration no: NCT The study was approved by the Western Sydney Local Health District Human Research Ethics Committee Approval no.

The investigators will seek approval of the WSLHD HREC prior to the implementation of any changes to the study protocol and notify the health authorities in accordance with local regulations if required.

Trial participants, trial registries, journals, and study investigators will be notified as appropriate. Minor changes and clarifications of the protocol that have no impact on the conduct of the study will be documented in a memorandum.

The results of the study will be disseminated at national and international scientific meetings and submitted for publication in peer-reviewed journals.

Participants will be notified when results of the study are available to the public. There is currently no cure for ADPKD and the search for therapies that will slow disease progression is a major priority for PKD patients, community groups and healthcare providers [ 31 , 32 ].

In particular, there is interest in developing dietary and lifestyle interventions for ADPKD, and this was highlighted in a recent patient priorities survey, where it was ranked 7 out 17 of major research priorities [ 32 ]. BRJ is an attractive novel therapy in the treatment of hypertension as it is all-natural, accessible and has no adverse side effects in human studies to date.

There are no expected or reported drug interactions with beetroot juice [ 28 , 29 , 46 ]. There has only been one RCT describing the effects of BRJ in CKD and no studies on an ADPKD cohort [ 19 ].

As described earlier, there is an inherent reduction in NO and endothelial NOS activity in ADPKD, which could potentially be corrected by dietary nitrate supplementation via the entero-salivary NO-nitrite-nitrate pathway [ 6 , 8 ].

Previous studies have shown that supplementation with BRJ increases NO metabolites in healthy volunteers and chronic diseases including essential hypertension, diabetes, heart failure, and COPD [ 16 , 20 , 36 , 47 ]. Of particular interest, BRJ increases NO metabolites in hypercholesterolemia, which is associated with decreased NO endothelial production, via this alternate entero-salivary pathway [ 22 ].

This pathway appears to be attenuated in other conditions such as active smoking, likely due to direct inhibitory effects [ 37 ]. This trial aims to investigate if NO metabolites can be increased using BRJ in ADPKD, given its intrinsic decreased NO state, and furthermore, if that will result in a reduction in BP.

In conclusion, this study will be the first RCT investigating the efficacy of BRJ in reducing BP in hypertensive participants with ADPKD. If the results show a significant decrease in BP, a follow-up study would be warranted to test the efficacy of BRJ over a longer time course and evaluate the potential impacts on chronic cardiovascular outcomes in ADPKD.

Moreover, if the results show that NO can be increased with BRJ supplementation, other sources of dietary nitrate e. spinach, rocket, lettuce could also be explored for BP-lowering effects.

Additionally, this study will contribute to the existing evidence on the impacts of dietary interventions in managing chronic kidney diseases, an area of keen interest from the patient community.

The current study protocol version 7 was accepted on 27th June by the Western Sydney Local Health District Human Research Ethics Committee. Trial recruitment commenced on 5th May and was completed on 24th March The trial was registered on 27th May with ClinicalTrials. The results of the datasets have not been reported in this manuscript.

Details of data accessibility including the public access to the full protocol, model consent form, participant datasets and statistical code will be included in the publication containing the final results of the study.

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Our prssure and naturally sweet beet juice is full Beetroot juice and blood pressure nutrients Antioxidant-rich immune system easy Beehroot make. Well, the Beerroot in beets Respiratory health catechins. Studies have shown that beets can significantly lower blood pressure after only a few hours of consumption. Both raw beet juice and cooked beets were found to be effective at lowering blood pressure and decreasing inflammation. However, raw beet juice had a greater effect.

Author: Doutaur

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