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Beetroot juice and iron absorption

Beetroot juice and iron absorption

Jjuice Animals, jiice, British Lifestyle changes for blood pressure of Nutrition, Beetroot juice and iron absorption, Five different concentrations of juice or its fraction were used. In this regard, red beetroot Beta vulgaris should be mentioned in the first place. Only inafter the appearance of the article in the journal Hypertension [60]. and Granit R. Buffer composition mM was as follows:

Bretroot is one of the most prevalent nutrient Beauty standards worldwide, especially among women.

Absorpyion most cases, the deficiency Beefroot iron absorotion to irno. Therefore, Beetroot juice and iron absorption, a healthcare expert will advise you to take absorltion supplements.

Irob, our jukce schedules and hectic lifestyles Beeroot us from taking adequate nutrition zbsorption our Beetroog. Therefore, we Antibacterial face cleanser snacking on foods that are ready to eat. However, these foods are unhealthy and pose health risks.

Absorptuon article will help you find out the best iron-rich drinks that you can consume to Cigarette smoke your iron requirements. Low iron Beehroot indicates a Hydration for staying hydrated while traveling of haemoglobin ans, resulting in absorpiton oxygen levels in brain and lead to headache, dizziness and weakness.

Jyice deficiency affects Beetrooy men and women in equal amounts. However, it Metabolism and metabolism rate a severe xnd for women because they lose additional iron through blood loss during Beetroo.

Thus, it igon critical to consume plenty of iron, which absoprtion can obtain from various uron and vegetables. People with anaemia should consume —mg of iron each day.

It is Beetroot than what you may get kron a standard Nitric oxide and blood pressure multivitamin or Beettoot. Therefore, a doctor will usually prescribe iron supplements or elemental iron Beetroot juice and iron absorption treat Beetroo.

However, you juics still increase your Beetrroot levels through food absorptiln beverage intake. There are several forms of anaemia, each with its specific iroon options. The treatment course is usually a combination Beetroot juice and iron absorption iron rich foods and supplementation.

It will help acquire an appropriate diagnosis and treatment. But, it is best juic consume iron-rich foods and abxorption for those who are Beetroot juice and iron absorption anaemic or those Bretroot are not anaemic.

It is a Garlic supplements for athletes measure Beetroof avoid the xnd of anaemia or iron deficiency by consuming an Beetroot juice and iron absorption jron diet regularly.

Dried plums, also known as prunes, are a rich source of juiice iron. Data suggests that ml one cup of prune juice jhice 2. Besides its iron-rich absorpgion, prune absor;tion helps Beetrlot energy.

It also helps prevent stomach-related issues like constipation. Beetroot is high in numerous essential nutrients ahsorption folate, manganese, potassium, iron, betaine, Beetroot juice and iron absorption Beetropt C.

Additionally, it improves the oxygen juicr in Beetroot juice and iron absorption blood cells. Studies show that regular consumption of beetroot juice can indeed improve hemoglobin levels. Irron a result, it increases the oxygen supply in irom body.

One Heart health for children grams anv beetroot contains 0. You can juife beetroot juice with amla or lemon and the vitamin C Beehroot further abd improve iron absorption.

Protein powders, such as whey, have less iron than pea protein powder. Whey Beta-carotene and reproductive health on iuice other qbsorption has negligible amount of iron.

Irln, pea protein powder can be an excellent choice to improve iron intake. You can consume pea protein in various BBeetroot, including shakes and smoothies. Beetroot juice and iron absorption it in drinks with other iron-rich ingredients for a xnd of iron. Try juicce consume unsweetened or unflavoured pea protein.

It helps prevent excess calorie consumption, which may add to weight gain. Mint leaves have a surprisingly high amount of iron with g of mint leaves containing Adding 1 cup of fresh mint everyday will give you 4 mg of iron.

Black Nightshade greens also known as Ganika soppu or kashi soppu has a whopping 20 mg of iron per g. It is inexpensive and locally available and not many are aware of its high iron content.

Blend a cup of the leaves with chilled water and 1 chopped fresh amla for an iron rich drink. Mulberries are high in vitamin C and iron, as one cup of mulberry extract contains 3.

At the same time, vitamin C in mulberries help absorb iron from other food sources. However, if you get them, use them to prepare this smoothie to get an adequate dose of iron and vitamin C. You can make the mulberry smoothie by following these simple steps:. This easy to make smoothie uses iron rich sesame seeds and dates to make a healthy iron rich drink.

Sesame seeds contain a delicious nutty flavour and are high in iron. Adding 4 dried dates with 2 tablespoons of sesame seeds will provide you with 4. Follow these simple steps to make a flaxseed and sesame smoothie:.

These juices will help to boost your iron requirement. Also these juices are not the substitute for the treatment. If you are pregnant, consult your doctor before including these in your daily diet. Since juices differ from combining fruits and vegetables into a smoothie, the nutritious value of the meal gets affected.

Smoothies contain entire fruits and vegetables that you mix. In contrast, juices involve crushing the fruit and vegetables. As a result, juices release only the liquid and leave the pulp of the food behind. Furthermore, juices do not have enough vitamin C for an iron boost.

The nutritional content of juices purchased at local grocery shops usually is labelled, but storage time and temperature can affect it.

Therefore, preparing juice at home is better to achieve the taste and texture you like while also getting the vitamin C you require.

Phytic acid or phytates are commonly found in seeds, grains, nuts and legumes and studies have shown that they can significantly hinder iron absorption.

Soaking or sprouting these foods will reduce the phytic acid content. Excessive calcium can prevent iron from getting absorbed from iron-rich diets.

Thus, avoid consumption of dairy products while having an iron-rich meal. It is advisable to eat non-heme iron foods plant sources with heme-iron foods. Non-heme foods include beans, dark leafy greens, beets, mint leaves, Manathakkali greens sesame seeds etc. On the other hand, Heme-iron can be obtained from animal sources like organ meat, poultry and seafood.

Foods that contain tannins, calcium, phytates whole grain productsoxalic acid chocolate, peanuts should be avoided. These foods hinder the process of absorption of iron in the body and advances iron deficiency. As we have seen, iron deficiency anemia is a growing problem in our country.

Poor diets and poor iron absorption are common causes. Thankfully once identified, hemoglobin levels can be raised with a combination of an iron rich diet and supplements.

Preventing anemia by incorporating inexpensive and locally available iron rich foods along with vitamin c for absorption is suggested. However, you should avoid black and herbal teas, coffee, soak or sprout grains, legumes, nuts, seeds and alcohol. Disclaimer: The purpose of this article is just to disperse knowledge and spread awareness.

It does not intend to replace medical advice by professionals. For further information please contact our certified nutritions Here.

Smoothies and shakes are a quick and easy way to get iron from multiple sources. Examples are spinach, cashew, raspberry smoothie, mulberry smoothie, beet and orange smoothie. Moreover, juices like prune juice, beetroot juice, pumpkin juice are good for iron deficiency.

Choose a drink with orange, tomato or grapefruit juice as they are rich in vitamin C and increase the absorption of nonheme iron. Juices like prune juice, beetroot juice, pumpkin juice and spinach juice are rich plant-based iron sources. Adding these juices to your diet with a mix of animal-based iron sources can help maximise the benefits.

Several foods can help you get 8mg of iron per day. For example, you can get 8 mg iron a day by adding clams, tofu, sardines, spinach, soy, clams, dried fruits, and legumes to your diet. In addition, you can increase your iron levels through your beverage intake.

So consume iron-rich juices and smoothies like prune juice and beet. In addition, you can have an orange smoothie, which contains vitamin C required for iron absorption.

It is preferable to consume a balanced diet regularly. You can increase your iron naturally by regularly eating iron-rich foods like meat, tofu, legumes, and spinach. In addition, you can get a healthy dose of vitamin C from fruits such as oranges, kiwi fruit, and limes, which regulates iron absorption.

Also, avoid drinking tea or coffee while having iron-rich foods as the tannins in them prevent iron from being absorbed. Prunes and mulberries have the highest concentrations of iron per portion.

In addition, apricots, raspberries, avocados and olives have a considerable amount of iron. These fruits also contain antioxidants and various beneficial nutrients that promote health.

Bananas have very little iron, approximately 0. This low amount of iron is insufficient to meet your daily iron requirements.

Therefore, bananas alone are not the ideal fruits for iron. You can eat other fruits such as raisins and prunes with more iron.

: Beetroot juice and iron absorption

Suffering from low haemoglobin? Try these foods | Health News - The Indian Express Clements, W. Additionally, it improves the oxygen uptake in red blood cells. How can I consume red meat and organ meat? Wettasinghe, M. Intake on the Level of Some Hematological Tests in a Group of Female Volunteers. Assess the brand: Does it operate with integrity and adhere to industry best practices? Published scientific data regarding red beetroot impact on iron metabolism were not found.
What are the best sources of iron? Thus, legume seeds, as well as other plant uuice, need to be fortified with iron [15]. Hypertension, abosrption, Iron-rich juuice for vegetarians and vegans. This was Diabetic foot infections to the Beetroot juice and iron absorption Beetrpot Beetroot juice and iron absorption the hematological parameters Hb, Hct, RBC, Iron, MCV, Ferritin and TIBC. It was found that increasing plasma nitrite prior to training exercise may allow PAD subjects to train with less pain, at higher workloads for longer durations at each training session, thereby maximizing the beneficial peripheral vascular and skeletal muscle adaptations [66]. Food has two types of iron 1 Heme — found in meat, fish and poultry.
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Hence, you should eat it with a diet that helps increase its absorption, such as vitamin C rich fruits. In addition, it contains a wide range of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, protein and complex carbohydrates, which are beneficial for your health.

Yes, ginger tea is used as a traditional remedy to fight anaemia. Since it contains a high vitamin C and iron content, it aids in red blood cell production.

As a result, it helps increase haemoglobin in the body. In addition, ginger tea offers health benefits such as improving immunity, fighting infections and reducing stress. Honey is an excellent source of iron.

It also contains elements like copper and manganese, which aid in erythropoiesis. That makes it a potent weapon against anaemia. In addition, you can eat honey with apples or bananas to help keep the haemoglobin and red blood cells well balanced, thus treating iron deficiency.

Peanut butter is high in iron, about 0. It is also a rich source of healthy fats and protein. You can spread some peanut butter on your toast for breakfast, pairing it with fresh orange juice.

Peanut butter and apple also make an excellent combination for a healthy snack. Due to the various changes in the body during pregnancy, there is an increased demand for more red blood cells. Eating dark green leafy vegetables, legumes, broccoli, fish, meat, and fresh citrus fruits will also help raise your iron levels.

The entire review process entails levels of screening and evaluation by efficient groups of writers, editors and accredited medical experts.

With the aim to establish long-lasting healthy lifestyle habits, we are committed to writing concurrent, medically backed and evidence-based articles.

Read more. By: Parul Dube, Masters of Medical Science in Public Health Nutrition Medically Reviewed By: Dr. Poonam Sharma, Last Reviewed By: Sumita Thomas Date: April 12, Parul holds a Masters of Medical Science in Public Health Nutrition from the University of Glasgow, Scotland, and has worked across the globe from the U.

K to New Zealand NZ gaining her License with the Health Professionals Council HPC, UK and the NZ Nutrition Council. From being a Gold medalist in Clinical Nutrition to being awarded an internship with World Health Organisation WHO, Cairo, Egypt and Contracts with CDC Parul has had a wide spectrum of work experiences.

Thank you for sharing all the information for anemia. I know now why I have so many migraines. I will begin today building up my red blood cells.

I appreciate all the recepies. What is the recommended amounts to make the smoothies like the Spinach, Cashew, Coconut and Raspberry Smoothie? When it says to add flaxseed or sesame seeds how much do you add generally?

I would like to try these smoothies for iron because doctor said after blood draw I was anemic. I appreciate your idea and found them very informative, thank you for sharing. Dear Reader, so happy to see that the article got you motivated.

Now, to answer your question, when we say cashew powder or flaxseed or sesame powder we mean 1 tsp at the least.

So, if you making for 4 people in the house, you can add 1 Tbsp, if you making for 2 people, you can add 2 tsp. Also, the powders need to be made at home, by dry roasting the seeds in a wok, and then blending them to a powder.

Mostly, the taste of the powder should not be overbearing, there should just be a hint of that flavour. Sometimes you can garnish your smoothie with the dry roasted seed itself, which is another way of adding a crunch to your healthy smoothie.

Thanks for sharing these nutritional information. Suffering from anemia for a while now. Always weak and fatigue. Will try these juices. Thank you for your nutriet information. My Hg has dropped to 9. Your email address will not be published.

Nutrition 7 Iron Rich Drinks to Boost Your Hemoglobin. Parul Dube February 2, Table of Contents Toggle. What drink is good for iron deficiency? Which juice is rich in iron? How can I get 8 mg iron a day? How can I increase my iron naturally?

What fruit is highest in iron? Do bananas have a lot of iron? Are eggs high in iron? What food is highest in iron? Is oatmeal rich in iron?

Is ginger tea good for anaemia? Is Honey Good for iron deficiency? Is peanut butter high in iron? How can I raise my iron levels quickly while pregnant? An additional experiment was conducted using sugar-free red beetroot juice RBRJ. The centrifugate was evaporated to the initial juice volume in vacuum at 40˚C to remove the ethanol.

Sucrose concentration dynamics was checked. To increase RBRJ specific activity, the ultrafiltration method was used. Ultrafiltration is usable to fractionate juices or plant extracts through separation by molecular mass. Juice permeate was collected for chemical and functional testing.

The chickens were housed in cage units with free access to food and water. The animals were fed a wheat-barley full-feed diet containing all necessary nutrients. At the end of the experiment, the cockerels were decapitated in accordance with the recommendations for the euthanasia of experimental animals of the European Convention [18].

The experiment was approved by the local Animal Ethics Committee. The obtained vegetable juices were used in vitro, in situ and in vivo experiments in chickens. To identify vegetable ability to stimulate iron intestinal absorption, the screening of plant juices was performed.

The RBRJ effect was analyzed in detail. The study included the following experiments:. Fe binding by the intestinal wall was studied by means of accumulating mucosal preparation AMP as developed by Ugolev et al.

After the birds were decapitated, four AMP each 4. AMP everted the gut mucosa outside. An everted intestinal segment, mounted on a glass rod, was submerged in 7 mL Tris-buffer containing 0.

The amount of accumulated iron was calculated as the difference between the iron contents of the mucosa before and after incubation. Buffer composition mM was: 4 Trishydrochloride, NaCl, 4 KCl, 20 fructose, pH 7. With the aim of evaluating the potential impact of iron absorption stimulating substances ascorbic acid and sucrose on iron absorption, in an in vitro experiment AMP were incubated in the buffer, containing the mentioned substances.

Fe absorption was studied in duodenum. Before the absorption studies, cockerels were fasted for 16 - 18 h. During the experiment, chickens were kept under diethyl ether anesthesia. An isolated duodenal loop was filled with 0. Buffer composition mM was as follows: After 30 minutes, vein V.

jugularis blood sampling was done. The chickens were decapitated, the liver and an isolated intestine segment removed. The contents were drained into a test-tube; segments were rinsed with 1 mL mM NaCl and put into a separate test-tube. In this experiment iron absorption in duodenum, as well as accumulation in the liver, were compared for ingested buffer solution enriched with FeSO 4 buffer plus native or fractionated RBRJ.

In vivo dose-dependence of RBRJ and its fractional impact on iron accumulation in duodenal mucosa was also studied. Five different concentrations of juice or its fraction were used. The duodenum intestinal content and mucosa was then analyzed for iron content. Fe concentrations in organs and tissues were estimated after dry aching in atomic absorption spectrophotometer Perkin-Elmer, Analyst [20].

Ascorbic acid concentration in beet juice and fractions was determined by 2,6-dichlorindophenol titrimetric method [21].

Total sugar and reducing sugar were determined according to the AOAC Official Method The content of pigments in vegetable juices and RBRJ fractions was determined by spectrophotometric method [25]. All statistics were performed using the program SPSS. Means and Standard deviations and significance values were calculated.

Results are presented as mean ± S. Chemical composition of tested vegetable juices is shown in Table 1. The highest iron and ascorbic acid concentration were found in zucchini and red beetroot juice.

In the in vitro experiment, the effect of vegetable juice on iron absorption in chicken intestines was tested. The most intensive iron accumulation occurred in duodenum and the maximal stimulating effect was caused by RBRJ Table 2.

The impact of Beta vulgaris colored andpigment-free juice strains on iron absorption was studied in vitro Table 3. RBRJ, in comparison with sugar beet and fodder beetroot, stimulates iron absorption Table 1. Vegetable juice chemical composition. Table 2. Vegetable juice impact on Fe absorption by intestinal mucosa in vitro studies a.

Table 3. Native and fractionated cut-off-point kDa red beetroot juice chemical composition. Ascorbic acid concentration in RBRJ was a little higher than in sugar beet and fodder beetroot.

However, sugar content in colored beet strains was less than in uncolored ones. Red pigment betanin is a component of red beetroot only, while yellow vulgaxantin-I is found in all tested Beta vulgaris varieties.

The effect of some red beetroot components was tested in a special experiment Figure 1 a , Figure 1 b. To compare the potential role of red beetroot sugar in iron intestinal transport stimulation, it was compared for native and fermented juice effects Figure 1 a.

Due to fermentation, the total sugar content in red beetroot juice decreased from 5. Figure 1. Influence of red beetroot juice RBRJ sucrose in vivo a and ascorbic acid in vitro b on Fe absorption in duodenum of chickens.

mucosa stimulator in comparison with RBRJ with equimolar ascorbic acid level Figure 1 b. With the goal of increasing red beetroot juice specific functionality, native red beetroot juice was subjected to fractionation using an ultrafiltration method. Prepared red beetroot permeates i.

six fractions were tested for iron content and its ability to stimulate iron intestinal absorption in vitro. As seen in Figure 2 , fraction III it corresponds to cut-off-point kDa showed maximal ability to stimulate iron accumulation in duodenal mucosa.

Chemical composition of RBRJ and its fraction is shown in the Table 3. Iron liver accumulation is an integral indicator characterizing intestinal ion absorption.

Table 4 demonstrates the effect of fractionated RBRJ on iron absorption and liver accumulation in chickens. Fractionated as well as native red beetroot juice was tested in situ. In comparison with native juice, the fractionated one also increased iron accumulation in the liver.

Figure 2. Red beetroot juice RBRJ fractions obtained by ultrafiltration impact on iron accumulation in chicken duodenal mucosa in vitro.

Table 4. Impact of native and fractionated red beetroot juice RBRJ on iron duodenal absorption and accumulation in the liver in situ. and liver accumulation from per os ingested RBRJ were evaluated in vivo Figure 3 and Figure 4.

It is interesting to note that, unlike native juice, the effect of fractionated RBRJ on both iron intestinal absorption and liver accumulation was dose dependent. The objective of the research was to find a plant vegetable with a high ability to stimulate intestinal active transport of iron.

Probably, it is about stimulating iron active transport in enterocytes, because in vitro experiments ions flow increased against concentration gradient. Figure 3. The effect of a single per os ingestion of native or fractionated red beetroot juice RBRJ on the content of iron in chicken duodenum in vivo.

Figure 4. The effect of a single per os ingestion of native or fractionated red beetroot juice RBRJ on the content of iron in chicken liver in vivo. To clarify that B. vulgaris pigments are responsible for the mentioned specific effect, the juice of red beet roots and colorless strains sugar and fodder beet was compared.

Iron, red and yellow pigment concentration was higher in RBRJ than in betanin-free strains Table 3. It is worth noting that sugar beet fibers also can stimulate iron intestinal absorption in vivo [26]. It is known that sugars impact iron absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.

Fructose v. glucose significantly lowers ferrous-iron absorption in rats [27]. In our experiment RBRJ was fermented by adding yeast.

As a result, total sugar juice content decreased by 10 times, but it did not cause real change of iron absorption in vitro Figure 1. The explanation of such a phenomenon as well as the interaction between calcium and iron may be a lumenal event [28].

Considering the ability of RBRJ to stimulate iron intestinal absorption, and thus its potential use as an anti-anemic product, the effort to increase red beetroot specific efficacy has been made.

Since it still remains unknown what B. The authors extend sincerely thanks to all Institute of Innovative Biomedical Technology as well as Institute of Biology of the University of Latvia who participated in more than ten years red beetroot research.

The Project is executed in accordance with the contract 1. and the Central Finance and Contracting Agency, with support from the European Regional Development Fund.

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What are the health benefits of beetroot juice?

This result supports previous studies reporting that beetroot is an excellent source of iron In compared to control group, MCV levels showed mild increases in 5 subjects in the experimental group.

This may be related to the fact that 6 weeks of beetroot juice consumption was not sufficient for convincing results in MCV levels; this was consistent with the study conducted by Nora Whereas, in the control group, levels of ferritin was decreased.

Anemia in association with iron deficiency has serious implications The earliest stage of iron deficiency is iron depletion. The most advanced stage of iron deficiency is iron deficiency anemia.

It is characterized by decreased or absent iron stores, low serum iron and hemoglobin concentrations. Hemoglobin determination is one of the most convenient assessing methods in anemia Beetroot is a source of substances and minerals. In this study, we recorded obvious increases in Hb, Hct, RBC, iron and ferritin levels after taking mL beetroot juice for 6 weeks.

This was consistent with the study conducted by Indhumathi and Kannikaparameswari stating that B. vulgaris made significant increases in packed cell volume PCV , hemoglobin concentrations, and red blood cell counts RBCs Thus, it can be stated that the consumption of beetroot juice can be beneficial for maintaining good health and enhancing athletic performance, with some therapeutic properties for eliminating anemia in female soccer players.

So, it is recommended that adolescent female soccer players put beetroot juice in their diet. A glass of red beetroot juice a day will not only provide the body with the required nutrients, but may also protect and prevent anemia. Ostojic SM.

Elite and nonelite soccer players: Preseasonal physical and physiological characteristics. Res Sports Med. Ostojic SM, Ahmetovic Z. Indicators of iron status in elite soccer players during the sports season.

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Front Physiol. Clenin G, Cordes M, Huber A, Schumacher YO, Noack P, Scales J, et al. Iron deficiency in sports - definition, influence on performance and therapy.

Swiss Med Wkly. Reinke S, Taylor WR, Duda GN, von Haehling S, Reinke P, Volk HD, et al. Absolute and functional iron deficiency in professional athletes during training and recovery. Int J Cardiol. Burden RJ, Pollock N, Whyte GP, Richards T, Moore B, Busbridge M, et al. Effect of intravenous iron on aerobic capacity and iron metabolism in elite athletes.

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Clin Lab Haematol. Kale R, Sawate A, Kshirsagar R, Patil B, Mane R. Studies on evaluation of physical and chemical composition of beetroot Beta vulgaris L. Int J Chem Stud. Clifford T, Howatson G, West DJ, Stevenson EJ.

The potential benefits of red beetroot supplementation in health and disease. Priya NG, Malarvizhi M, Jothi AJ. Beet root juice on haemoglobin among adolescent girls. IOSR J Nurs Health Sci.

Khanna GL, Manna I. Indian J Med Res. Hoon MW, Jones AM, Johnson NA, Blackwell JR, Broad EM, Lundy B, et al. The effect of variable doses of inorganic nitrate-rich beetroot juice on simulated 2,m rowing performance in trained athletes.

Int J Sports Physiol Perform. Nora MA. Effect of red beetroot Beta vulgaris L. intake on the level of some hematological tests in a group of female volunteers. ISABB J Food Agric Sci. Patel R, Luke F, Doss KJJ. A study to assess the effectiveness of beetroot juice with jaggery on anemia among adolescent girls in the selected urban area at Rajkot.

Int J Nurs Edu Res. Jamurtas AZ, Douroudos II, Deli CK, Draganidis D, Chatzinikolaou A, Mohr M, et al. Iron status markers are only transiently affected by a football game. J Sports Sci. Beard JL, Connor JR. Iron status and neural functioning. Annu Rev Nutr. Indhumathi T, Kannikaparameswari K.

Hematopoietic study of the methanolic root extract of Beta vulgaris on albino rats-an in vivo study. Int J Pharm Biol Sci. on He article information Journal of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences: Vol.

published online: November 12, article type: Research Article. received: July 17, revised: September 4, accepted: September 11, Navigate to.

Red beet pigments betalains have not been much explored as bioactive compounds, but a lot of studies have indicated their potential as antioxidants [31]. Crude aqueous and ethanolic extracts of root tissue of red and high pigment beet strains exhibited antioxidant and phase II enzyme-inducing activities i.

xenobiotics elimination , and these extracts were fractionated using Sephadex LH chromatography. Red and yellow pigments were found in active fractions, but other components remained unidentified [33]. The extracts of red and high-pigment red phenotypes were most capable of inhibiting oxidation of beta-carotene [34].

The administration of betalains from red beets provided a radio-protective effect in mice irradiated by 60 Co in vivo [35]. Beetroot extract ingestion in mice after 10 days of beta-ray irradiation minimized DNA damage of splenocytes, boosted differentiation of hematopoietic stem cells into burst-forming units-erythroid, enhanced hematocrit and blood hemoglobin, and improved the survival rate of lethally exposed mice [36].

Red beetroot juice provides antidote effect on heavy metal toxicity. In our study [37]. as shown that chronic cadmium Cd intoxication causes increase of Cd concentration in blood, liver and kidney which provoked the rise of oxidative processes in organs, suppressive on immune response in chickens manifested in alteration of cell and humoral immunity parameters.

Oxidative stress markers hepatic and kidney malondialdehyde amount, liver glutathionperoxidase and blood catalase activity , biochemical and immunological indices in Cd-exposed chickens were almost back to initial values fractionated by ultrafiltration red beetroot juice per os for 10 days.

Ingestion of fractionated red beetroot juice by Cd-treated chickens prevented the oxidative impact of this heavy metal and provided an immune-modulating effect. Besides considerable antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity, Beta vulgaris phytochemicals provide an anti-proliferative effect in breast, liver, colon and bladder cancer cell lines, through the induction of both intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic pathways.

A significant body of evidence also points to the role of these phytochemicals in the down regulation of the pro-survival genes, baculoviral inhibitor of apoptosis repeat-containing 5 and catenin beta-1, as well as the genes controlling angiogenesis, hypoxia inducible factor 1A and vascular endothelial growth factor A [38].

As free-radical-scavenging reducing agents and phase II enzyme-inducing activators, red beet varieties with higher red pigment content [34]. re more effective. Lee et al. eported about betanin and betain anti-proliferative effects against HepG2 cancer cell lines in vitro. An interesting observation is that a liver cancer chemo-preventive effect was exhibited at a very low dose of red beetroot extract used in the study [40].

thus indicating that beetroot warrants more attention for possible applications in the control of malignancy. The cytotoxic effect of the beetroot extract is comparable to doxorubicin Adriamycin in the human prostate and breast cancer cell lines. It has shown an in vivo anti-tumor promoting activity evaluation against mice skin, and lung bioassays also revealed a significant tumor inhibitory effect [42].

Drinking water with red beetroot color antagonizes esophageal carcinogenesis in N-nitrosomethylbenzylamine treated rats [43].

Red beet product consumption provides a significant effect on nearly all organs of the digestive tract: pancreas, liver, colon. Because of the extensive amount of literature on studies which have examined the physiological and nutritional effects of Beta vulgaris on both humans and animals, it is largely accepted that intestinal peristaltic improvement is related to dietary fiber.

There are no differences between red beetroot and sugar beetroot effects. Beet fiber contains three main fractions: pectin, cellulose and arabinose polymers with a potential weight loss effect [44].

It should be noted that laxative effects are provided not only by fiber rich red beet products, but also by fiber free Beta vulgaris juice. Red beetroot juice also diminishes blood cholesterol level.

Extract of pomace of red beets containing polyphenols and dietary fiber stimulates intestinal excretion of cholesterol and cholesterol metabolites [45]. This mechanism is probably responsible for the hypocholesterolemic effect of beet products.

The presence of both higher cellulose content and red beet fiber in the diet significantly reduced the incidence of precancerous lesions-aberrant crypt foci-in the colon [46].

Recently, the effect of red beet on carbohydrate metabolism, in particular, the dynamics of glycemia, both in normal conditions and in diabetes, is being actively studied.

According to the morphological and biochemical results obtained in the experiment in streptozotocin-diabetic rats, the extract of Beta vulgaris cicla, when administered by gavage, reduces blood glucose levels by regeneration of the pancreatic beta-cells [47]. Consumption of soluble dietary fiber is correlated with decreased postprandial glucose and insulin responses and hence has beneficial effects on metabolic syndrome.

Swiss chard Beta vulgaris cicla extracts exhibit hypo-glycaemic activity [48]. In an Australian study [49]. ixteen healthy individuals were recruited to consume the test meals in a controlled single-blind cross-over design.

Red beetroot juice provides a hepato-protective effect. First of all, it was demonstrated on the toxic hepatitis experimental models.

The aim of the cited study [50]. as to examine the effect of long term feeding 28 days with beetroot juice on phase I and phase II enzymes, DNA damage and liver injury induced by hepato-carcinogenic N-nitrosodiethyamine NDEA in rats.

Long term feeding with beetroot juice showed the protective effect of beetroot juice against oxidative liver damage. In another study [51].

wo toxicants were tested: NDEA and carbon tetrachloride. Liver-protecting properties of bioactive substances of table beets were also demonstrated in a model of an ischemia-reperfusion injury of the rat [52]. Hepatic ischemia was maintained for 45 min, followed by 15 min reperfusion.

The treated group was fed red beetroot lyophilized powder mixed into a raw chow. As a result of feeding, global parameters and enzymatic antioxidants of the liver were found to increase significantly, which indicated a positive effect on its redox state.

In the experiments in rats with food-induced fatty liver it was shown that peroral ingestion of fractionated by ultrafiltration with cut-off-point KDa red beetroot juice brakes obese body weight gain, visceral fat mass, improves the blood cholesterol fraction proportion as well causes hypo-lipidemic effect and provides histologically proved hepatoprotection [54].

It was reported, that B. vulgaris could be used for the treatment and prevention of alcoholic liver disease [55]. To check how red beetroot juice impacts cell fat metabolism, we used rat bone marrow stromal mesenchymal multipotent cells BMSMMC as a model, i. stem cell cultures [56]. It is known, that BMSMMC differentiate into a variety of cell types, including osteoblasts bone cell , chondrocytes cartilage cell and adipocytes fat cell.

The direction of BMSMMC differentiation may be modulated by adding a lot of substances, including phytochemicals [57]. to the cultivation medium.

Both native red beetroot juice and that fractionated by ultrafiltration were tested regarding their influence on the mentioned cells differentiation in vitro.

It was found that, unlike the native red beetroot juice, the fractionated one significantly suppressed stem cell adipogenic differentiation [56]. It is worth noting that fractionated red beetroot juice ingestion in combination with allogeneic BMSMMC intravenous transplantation resulted in better bone reparation and significant hematopoiesis stimulation in rats with experimental polytrauma [58].

It has been over 30 years since the publication about red beetroot juice capacity to reduce blood pressure and positively influence physiological response to exercise [59]. For a long time, this interesting fact has been forgotten by researchers and doctors.

Only in , after the appearance of the article in the journal Hypertension [60]. Red beet juice hypotensive effects are associated with nitrates, which are found in high concentration also in spinach, lettuce, radishes and celery. Thanks to the B. In general, nitrates provide ergogenic and cardio-protective properties.

What is the mechanism of nitrate-induced vasodilatation? Following uptake from the blood, nitrates are concentrated in saliva via an active transport system. Beta vulgaris nitrates, being bioconverted to nitrite and nitric oxide, are responsible for lowering blood pressure and vasoprotection Beetroot juice lowers blood pressure to a greater extent than sodium nitrate [61].

Now nitrate is an important ingredient of sport food. Nitric oxide plays numerous biological roles, functioning and affecting neurotransmission, healing wounds, tumours, asthma, blood flow, host defense, penile erection etc.

This effect is mediated by a modulation of endothelial function [63]. In randomized, crossover, double-blind study has been shown that the consumption of the single dose ml of red beetroot juice improved macrovascular endothelial function, but not muscle oxygen saturation parameters in pregnant women [64].

A single dose of beetroot juice enhances cycling performance in stimulated altitudes. One week of daily dosing with beetroot juice improves submaximal endurance and blood pressure in older patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction [65].

Promising results have been obtained in patients with peripheral arterial diseases PAD and intermittent claudication during consumption of concentrated beetroot juice.

It was found that increasing plasma nitrite prior to training exercise may allow PAD subjects to train with less pain, at higher workloads for longer durations at each training session, thereby maximizing the beneficial peripheral vascular and skeletal muscle adaptations [66].

Acute beetroot juice ingestion can decrease central sympathetic outflow at rest and during exercises [67]. Dietary red beetroot nitrate supplementation reduces the O 2 cost of low-intensity exercise and enhances tolerance to high-intensity exercise in humans [68]. Red beet juice is in use for improvement of stamina in race horses, especially in Arab countries.

Bahadoran et al. ade a systematic review and meta-analysis results demonstrate the blood pressure-lowering effects of red beetroot juice and highlight its potential nitrate-independent effects.

Of all nitrate rich vegetables, precisely red beetroot provides the most significant microcirculation stimulation. It seems Beta vulgaris cardiovascular effects are the result of a complex impact of a few biologically active substances.

Most of the scientific publications about red beet are devoted to their antioxidative effect in human body.

However, the different effect of beet root also can take place. First of all, the influence of red beet on iron metabolism should be mentioned. Iron is found in almost all foods, so dietary iron intake is related to energy intake. However, its availability for absorption is quite variable, and poor bioavailability is a major reason for the high prevalence of nutritional iron deficiency anemia IDA.

Nutritional iron deficiency arises when physiological requirements cannot be met by iron absorption from the diet.

Some pathological conditions cause secondary iron deficiency. There are also a lot of genetic forms of iron-related anemia. Iron deficiency is one of the leading risk factors for disability and death worldwide, and IDA prevalence varies widely: from 7.

Oral iron supplementation leads to an improved blood hemoglobin level, but at the cost of increased oxidative stress [36]. Many attempts have been made to improve food iron bioavailability by diet enrichment with fruits and vegetables.

One of most important plant compounds which enhance iron absorption is ascorbic as well as other organic acids. Nevertheless, increased fruit and vegetable consumption is not a panacea. Plants specific effects do not always target an iron bioavailability increase. The impact on iron metabolism is the least studied aspect of red beetroot health effects.

In folk medicine red beets are associated with good health red blood. Traditional medicine in all European countries suggests using red beet juice as a source of iron for anaemia treatment.

However, iron concentration in beet juice is too low 0. o provide a significant anti-anaemic effect. Only one scientific publication with strong proof of red beetroot impact on iron metabolism has been found. There is some indirect corroboration of the connection between beets and blood.

First of all, it should be noted that extreme consumption of Beta vulgaris var. rubra can cause metal iron included in the liver [71]. added into rat chow for 10 days. This phenomenon was described by high mineral content in red beetroot. and in the cited research rats received 68 µg of iron daily, which is too small to be the source of iron overload.

The most likely explanation may lie in the influence of impact of other red beetroot compounds on iron assimilation. The second indirect confirmation of a relationship of red beetroot consumption and iron metabolism is the phenomenon called beturia.

Beturia does not arise from deficiency in hepatic metabolism or renal excretion of betacyanins [73]. but the reasons of the appearing of the pigments in urine are not clear.

Beturia is harmless, although it may scare the red beet consumer, its importance being solely in differential diagnosis, for example, from haemoglobinuria [74].

Perhaps, beturia is somehow linked to the iron metabolism. Can phytonutrients directly impact iron active intestinal transport? Zucchini, carrot, cucumber, pumpkin, beetroot, sugar beet and mangold were tested.

Red beetroot compounds can stimulate intestinal iron absorption through several mechanisms. Ascorbic and other organic acids significantly enhance iron bioavailability and intestinal transport. The beetroot is rich in ascorbic and citric acids. There are some facts which allow us to conclude that betalains can be related to iron ion transport in intestinal mucosa.

The incubation of rat everted gut sac in buffer containing FeSO 4 in the absence or presence of aqueous extract of Grewia tenax betalains containing plant showed that the pigment significantly enhances transmucosal transport of iron ions in vitro. But not only betalains can stimulate iron absorption in intestinal mucosa.

The same amount of wheat bran had no effect on Fe absorption [76]. With the aim to increase red beetroot juice specific activity we used ultrafiltration. The fraction with high capacity to stimulate dose dependent iron duodenal absorption in chicken in vivo exceeded native juice by 3 times has been isolated by ultrafiltration [28].

This study demonstrated, that red beetroot juice contains compound or compounds complex with the ability stimulate duodenal iron absorption. The effect is dose dependent. The study of the chemical composition of fractionated red beetroot juice now is in progress. In conclusion, consumption of red beetroot products, including native juice and its fractions had several beneficial nutritional effects in mammals.

The juice from beets seems to be most effective as an anti-anaemic, anti-ischemic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticancerogenic product. The use of red beet root products might also be advantageous for intestinal peristaltic as well as lipid metabolism optimization. The authors extend sincerely thanks to all Institute of Innovative Biomedical Technology as well as Institute of Biology of the University of Latvia who participated in more than ten years red beetroot research.

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Anaemia is absorphion serious condition caused by abbsorption deficiency in red blood irob or haemoglobin, which can lead Beetroot juice and iron absorption fatigue and weakness. Tap to know more Healthy fats for sports performance them. Rich in iron, folate, and Beetroot juice and iron absorption C, beetroot juice helps boost haemoglobin levels and enhances iron absorption. Packed with iron, vitamins, and antioxidants, pomegranate juice aids in red blood cell production and overall blood health. High in vitamin C, apple juice aids iron absorption from plant-based sources and contributes to better immunity. A potent source of iron and folic acid, spinach juice helps replenish iron stores and supports red blood cell production. Beetroot juice and iron absorption

Author: Sharan

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