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Age gracefully advice

Age gracefully advice

Graefully Security. Eat gracefuly balanced, healthy diet. Live long, green coffee supplement well: Science-based Gradefully for healthy aging. Liver cleanse diet plan gracefully be a neighbor who you like to exercise with, a lunch date with an old friend, shopping with your children, or playing with your grandkids. One report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine found that more than one-third of adults 45 and older feel lonely, and a fourth of adults plus are socially isolated. About HealthHub. Staying Sharp.

Age gracefully advice -

These science-based tips can help you stay healthy, happy, and independent for years to come. Get moving Physical exercise can increase mobility, help prevent falls and fractures, and reduce the risk of some diseases associated with aging.

These kinds of exercise are especially important as you get older: Endurance and aerobic exercises such as hiking, biking, dancing, and swimming, which strengthen your heart and lungs and boost circulation Strength exercises such as weightlifting, resistance band workouts, and carrying groceries, which keep your muscles strong Balance exercises such as tai chi and standing on one foot, which help improve coordination and build strength to reduce the risk of falls and fractures Flexibility exercises and stretches such as yoga, which can help keep you limber and protect you from injuries Experts recommend aiming for 2.

Eat healthy A diet that includes plenty of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals keeps your brain and body healthy and may reduce your risk of some aging-related diseases. Prioritize nutrient-rich foods such as seafood, plant-based proteins like nuts and seeds, and lean low-fat meats and poultry.

Limit foods with unhealthy additives such as added sugars and saturated fats. Research shows that eating five servings of fruits and vegetables every day can reduce your risk of some chronic diseases.

Watch your portion size. Keep an eye on how much you are eating and talk to your doctor about how many calories are right for you and your lifestyle. Prioritize your physical health Small changes add up. Start today for greater health benefits later in life.

Drink less alcohol. Alcohol can contribute to health problems, especially as you get older. If you drink, try sticking to one drink a day or less, or stop drinking altogether. Prioritize sleep. Aim for seven to nine hours of sleep each night. A bedtime routine and a regular sleep schedule can help develop good sleep hygiene.

Quit smoking and tobacco use. Keep up on your health care. Make sure to get regular checkups and stay up to date on your health screenings and vaccinations. The Mediterranean diet involves eating fish twice each week and cutting back on excess salt. Research shows that this type of diet may help you age better by warding off heart attacks, strokes, and premature death, according to Harvard Medical School.

An added bonus: Dr. Benabio says that foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, such as walnuts, extra-virgin olive oil , salmon, and flaxseed, help your skin manufacture the essential oils it needs to protect itself and can help skin look younger.

In contrast, sugary, carbohydrate-heavy , and unhealthy fatty foods—think, chips, soda, and white bread—can speed up the aging process, Dr.

Benabio warns. RELATED: The 30 Healthiest Foods to Eat Every Day. Chronically overeating—eating way past feeling healthily full and satisfied—can lead to health risks, including shorter life span, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes. To age well and live longer, it's best to stick to a balanced diet and healthy eating patterns.

For nutritional recommendations, check out the Dietary Guidelines for Americans for in-depth info, research, and tips. Staying active is a vital part of aging well.

The average woman can lose 23 percent of her muscle mass between ages of 30 and 70, says exercise physiologist Fabio Comana, a faculty instructor at the National Academy of Sports Medicine. You lose muscle more rapidly as you age, but exercise— resistance workouts in particular—can increase mass and strength, even well into your 90s, Comana says.

Staying fit may also reduce age-related memory loss, according to a study published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. Plus, Alzheimer's disease accounts for approximately 60 to 70 percent of all dementia cases, says Comana, adding that increasing physical activity can decrease this statistic by 25 percent.

That's because exercise strengthens the hippocampus, the region of the brain associated with learning and working memory.

RELATED: 5 Ways Being Physically Inactive Affects Our Mind and Mood. Belonging to a community and staying connected with people you love is a big deal.

Spending time with friends and relatives isn't just fun, it can help you live longer. Those of us with strong social ties were shown to have a 50 percent higher chance of living longer than those with poor or insufficient relationships, according to a study published in the journal PLOS Medicine.

Too much time in the sun can cause wrinkles, not to mention skin cancer. But wearing sunscreen can help prevent your skin's aging. And while the sun's UV rays do trigger vitamin D production, which is essential for bone health, that's hardly a good reason to expose yourself.

Benabio says. Wear sunscreen every day—even on days when you'll be indoors or traveling—making a habit of incorporating an SPF into your regular skincare routine. Buy a sun hat you love and a pair of sunglasses with legit UVA and UVB protection. You probably know that you need seven to nine hours of sleep each night and that a solid power nap can help make up for lost night of Zs.

But did you know that chronically not sleeping enough is linked to a higher risk of conditions such as obesity, Alzheimer's, heart disease, depression, and diabetes? And it turns out that "beauty sleep" isn't a myth. During sleep, your body releases a growth hormone that helps restore collagen and elastin, the essential building blocks of young, healthy skin, says Dr.

Recent research has also shown a connection between insomnia and accelerated aging of the brain, Dr. Benabio points out. In other words, chronic lack of sleep adversely affects your brain structure and function and can speed up the aging process.

Levy BR, Slade MD, Murphy TE, Gill TM. Association between positive age stereotypes and recovery from disability in older persons.

Ni C, Jia Q, Ding G, Wu X, Yang M. Low-glycemic index diets as an intervention in metabolic diseases: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Learn to appreciate the good things around you. We use cookies to give you the best possible user experience. By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies.

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Enter a search term:. Enter City or Zip Geolocate Make this my location Open Choose a medical group or hospital Clear my location. Change Location X. Home Health and Wellness Mind and Body 7 Holistic Tips to Age Gracefully.

Ensure health, happiness and longevity by practicing these vitality-boosting habits. Find Humor and Laugh at Yourself Watch funny movies, read humorous essays, enjoy jokes. Be Flexible in Body and Mind Yoga can help both.

Meditate Meditation comes in many forms, including prayer, gardening, journaling and quilting. Be Grateful Learn to appreciate the good things around you.

Easing into old age starts with making healthy choices right now. Liver cleanse diet plan Wise bracefully a writer gacefully editor graceflly over two decades avdice experience in Gracefullly and digital media. Lifestyle Age gracefully advice gracefuully exercise, diet, Liver cleanse diet plan even attitude can be as important as genetics when it comes Vegan food substitutes living long and growing old gracefully. It's no secret gracefylly growing older brings natural change, affecting nearly every part of your body— including your hairskinheart, muscles, brainand more—but giving yourself a fighting chance at aging well may be as simple as adopting these healthy and mostly easy everyday habits. Here are the best ways to give your brain and body a leg up as you age. You are what you think you are when it comes to aging. Seniors who think of age as a means to wisdom and overall satisfaction are more than 40 percent more likely to recover from a disability than those who see aging as synonymous with helplessness or uselessness, according to The Journal of the American Medical Association. For older adults, staying connected with Superfood supplement for brain health and family zdvice engaging fully in life through social activities are key addvice successful ageing. Garcefully is a journey that is better shared, Gradefully sharing Liver cleanse diet plan golden moments with the people around you is priceless. So instead of staying at home, why not make it a goal to stay connected with old friends or get to know new ones more regularly? Related: Healthy Eating with Ah Ma and Ah Gong. Isolation and loneliness are known risk factors for poor physical and mental wellbeing. As we get older, keeping a healthy social calendar is important to keep illnesses such as depression or dementia at bay.

Age gracefully advice -

After all, right at that moment we were the youngest we would ever be. My 20s were miles better than my teens — more expansive, less cloistered — and my 30s better than my 20s.

I became more confident in my 30s, I got into therapy and dealt with years of childhood trauma, I learned to communicate my needs and be more mindful of the needs of others. But at a certain point, the notion of what life will be like in a couple of decades starts to feel more real.

And then I start to reflect more on what my current choices mean for that future me. I look back and wonder what my work-hard-play-hard 20s mean for me now. Could I have had a healthier body today if I had been kinder to it when I was younger?

And could being gentler now give me more joy and freedom in the future? Marketers stoke our desire for youthfulness as the ticket to remaining relevant, then shame us when our efforts to preserve that youth go awry. And the only way to be deemed acceptable is to have lucky genes or to conceal your battles against time underneath a practiced smile.

Rather than continue to walk this exhausting tightrope, we can move beyond this damaging and frankly misogynistic mindset to actually enjoy and celebrate getting older. What if instead of seeing aging as something to defeat and conquer, we were to embrace what gets better with age, and work to amplify these joys while mitigating the losses of youth?

But can we view these challenges without judgment or shame, and instead look for joyful ways to navigate them? I certainly think so, and several studies agree. These walks were only 15 minutes long, once a week, and are low impact.

So this is an easy way to create more joy in daily life as we age. Practiced joyspotters well know the power of attending to joyful stimuli in the environment to boost mood.

This study suggests that tuning our attention specifically to things that invoke wonder and awe can have measurable benefits, especially for older adults. A study of more than 12, people Sweden found that attending cultural events correlated with increased survival, while people who rarely attended cultural events had a higher risk of mortality.

Since then, a raft of studies a good summary here has affirmed that people who participate in social activities such as attending church, going to the movies, playing cards or bingo, or going to restaurants or sporting events is linked with decreased mortality among older adults.

One reason may be that these activities increase social connection, deepen relationships, and reinforce feelings of belonging, which are positively associated with well-being. Yes, getting a culture fix can keep your mind sharp. One of the most talked-about parts of my TED talk is when I describe my experience spending a night at the wildly colorful Reversible Destiny Lofts, an apartment building designed by the artist Arakawa and the poet Madeline Gins, who believed it could reverse aging.

The idea that an apartment could reverse aging sounds farfetched, but it becomes more grounded when we look at the theory behind it.

They looked at our beige, dull interiors and imagined that these spaces would make our minds wither. And as it turns out, some early research in animals see also suggests there might be something to this.

While there is some evidence to suggest that this might apply to humans as well, the mechanisms behind this phenomenon are hard to understand. That said, we do know that the acuity of our senses declines with age. The lenses of our eyes thicken and tinge more yellow, allowing less light into the eye.

Our sense of smell, taste, and hearing also become less sharp. Once you start looking at negative tropes around aging, you start seeing more and more of them. A refeathered nest is a place of possibility, creativity, and delight.

As if you needed an excuse for this one, but just in case, here you go. A study of older adults finds that memory and mood improve when people receive a gift of flowers.

Why would flowers have this effect? One reason may link to research on the attention restoration effect , which shows that the passive stimulation we find in looking at greenery helps to restore our ability to concentrate. Perhaps improved attention also results in improved memory.

Another possibility, which is pure speculation at this point, relates to the evolutionary rationale for our interest in flowers. Because flowers eventually become fruit, it would have made sense for our ancestors to take an interest in them and remember their location.

Monitoring the locations of flowers would allow them to save time and energy when it came to finding fruiting plants later, and potentially reach the fruit before other hungry animals. Taking it a step further, research has also shown that gardening can have mental and physical health benefits for older adults.

There were vintage radios and black-and-white TVs instead of cassette players and VHS. The books that lined the shelves were ones that were popular at the time.

The magazines, TV shows, clothes, and music were all throwbacks to that exact period. They also had to participate.

They were treated like they were in their 50s, rather than their 70s. And they had to carry their own bags. They discussed the news and sports of 22 years earlier in the present tense. And to preserve the illusion, there were no mirrors and no photos, except of their younger selves.

Independent judges said they looked younger. A touch football game broke out among the group some of whom had previously walked with a cane as they waited for the bus home.

Langer was hesitant to publish her findings, concerned that the unusual method and small sample size might be hard for the academic community to accept. But in , a BBC show recreated the experiment with aging celebrities to similar effect. Exercise is often touted as a way to stay healthy and vibrant at any age, but one finding that makes it particularly relevant as we get older is that movement has been shown in studies to increase the size of the hippocampus, a part of the brain that plays a vital role in learning and memory.

This is important because the hippocampus shrinks as we age, which can lead to memory deficits and increased risk of dementia. In addition to its cognitive effects, movement itself can be a source of joy. The ability to swim, hike, dance, and play can be conduits to a happier, fuller life as we enter our golden years.

When I struggle to get motivated to exercise, I often think about my future self, and how investing in my mobility now can help preserve range of motion and minimize repetitive stress injuries later. Simply put: you have one body, and it has to last your whole life.

While technology is often blamed for feelings of isolation, some studies show that for older adults, being technologically facile can offer a boost to well-being.

One reason is that internet use may serve a predictor of social connection more broadly, and social connection is one of the most important contributors toward mental health and well-being throughout life, but especially in old age.

These simple principles help patients lead happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives. Take these tips to heart and embrace the aging process as a natural part of life. As you age, stay close to your Welia Health primary care provider.

We are here to help you navigate changes and create a plan for your health as you age. Together we can help ensure that aging is just another chapter of life filled with opportunity and zest.

Family medicine providers are dedicated to treating the whole person, not just one area of the body. Our care spans from prenatal to geriatric, delivering newborns and treating day-to-day health issues of both children and adults.

Sep 19 Stay active One of the most important things you can do to age well is to stay active. Eat a healthy diet What we eat plays a big role in our health and well-being.

Seek out social connections Being social is like a mood booster for seniors. Stay on top of preventive care Preventive care is an essential component of healthy aging.

Blood Pressure Check: High blood pressure often hides like a ninja but is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke. So, regular checks are a must. Blood Sugar Test: Diabetes increases the risk of many serious health problems, including kidney disease and heart disease if left unchecked.

Cancer Screenings: Early detection through routine screenings like mammograms or colonoscopies can seriously boost survival rates from cancers like breast cancer or colorectal cancer, respectively.

Family Medicine. Family Medicine , Parenting. Family Medicine , Providers. Retinol is a form of vitamin A that increases cell turnover, therefore improving skin texture and bounce. Anar Mikailov, M.

There are many ways you can incorporate nutritionally diverse meals into your diet—one of them being through a quick, easy smoothie.

As we age our thirst sensitivity declines, which means we are less likely to notice when we are dehydrated. Cohen recommends that women over 50 take an electrolyte supplement with no added sugar like Cure , a brand that she medically advises, to absorb more fluids and replace electrolytes lost from exercise, alcohol, illness and common medications.

Together, collagen is responsible for keeping skin strong and firm and plays an important role in wound healing. So as our bodies begin to produce less collagen, the option to supplement with the best collagen powders on the market becomes a viable option.

And while more research is needed to determine the effectiveness of taking collagen, most experts agree there is little harm in trying. Kayla Blanton is a freelance writer-editor who covers health, nutrition, and lifestyle topics for various publications including Prevention , Everyday Health , SELF, People , and more.

Shannen Zitz is an Assistant Editor at Prevention, where she covers all things lifestyle, wellness, beauty, and relationships. Previously the Editorial Assistant at Prevention, she graduated from the State University of New York at Cortland with a bachelor's degree in English. Oprah Winfrey Celebrates 70th Birthday With Video.

How to Age-Proof Your Whole Body. Jamie Lee Curtis Opens Up About Self-Acceptance. Mariska Hargitay Opens Up About Turning Valerie Bertinelli Shows Off Gray Roots in Video. Helen Mirren Hates This Age-Related Compliment. How to Age Healthier, Per a Longevity Expert.

com Medical Review Board Prevention Awards Win. Skip to Content Health Beauty Fitness Nutrition Life.

Aging is a gracwfully topic. It can Immune system strength difficult gracdfully face Age gracefully advice fact that we are no longer as Age gracefully advice as we Liver cleanse diet plan were Aye to accept that we may need to make changes to keep our physical and mental health in check. But aging is nothing to be ashamed of; sadly, it is a privilege denied to many. Discover the art of gracefully navigating the aging process. One of the most important things you can do to age well is to stay active.

Author: Mozahn

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